Blogger Image Import 1.2 2

I’ve updated the Blogger Image Import plugin with the ability to find images with spaces in the name. I had never noticed before, but any images hosted by blogger with spaces in the name were simply ignored because the %20 in the URL was being excluded from my regular expression. […]

PHP Image Management Library

I’ve been recently thinking about some of my goals for my own family web site and why they are not yet completed. I like the Blog format for sharing my photos as they get context and a story. Sort of like an online slide show, but better. I do have […]

From Blogger to WordPress 1 I finally made the transition for Blogger to WordPress for a family blog I operate. It took me a while to get up the courage to finally make the transition. I only had to publish two plugins to help me make the transition. I still don’t like the image […]

Blogger Title Fix Plugin 0.2

I have updated the Blogger Title Fix plugin (revision 0.2) to include some configuration options. This release includes the following additions… An option to set the number of characters to use for the title. The default is 48, like Blogger, but I find that a shorter title is more appealing. […]

Blogger Title Fix Plugin

I have finally written a plugin to replace the ugly post titles that sometimes accompany a Blogger-to-WordPress import – the numerical titles that are added to Blogger posts without a title. This plugin replaces those ugly titles with an excerpt from the post body.

Google Maps API version 2 3

I have upgraded the GPX Viewer mashup script to version 2 of the Google Maps API. There are only some minor changes to the API and some of the objects used. It doesn’t make the script any better, but now it is more likely to be compatible with future versions […]

Well, it looks like I have been beaten to the punch, yet again, has a nice, easy to use, interface for showing GPS track logs and adding photos to maps. This is on my to-do list of things to do, but someone already did it. I’ll just have to […]

Tim’s GMapper

Iceburn (Tim?) has a cool tutorial about using his Nikon camera to embed the GPS data directly on the camera (with an adapter to connect a GPS). He has also written a Perl script for taking GeoTagged photos and creating an XML file for his Google Maps viewer. Very cool. […]

How to embed MG2 in WordPress 3

I have written a tutorial with step by step instructions about how I embedded my MG2 (v0.5.1) gallery into WordPress (v2.0.1). See the gallery in action here See the tutorial here

GPX Viewer Update

The GPX Viewer script now works in Firefox/Mozilla. With some minor changes to the data format and the script code I have been able to get the equivalent functionality working in Mozilla. Version 3 of the script is now available It also allows for the <html> tag to be […]