Calling JavaScript in a WebBrowser control from C# 29

Embedding a WebBrowser control in a C# application is very easy to do.  Simply drag and drop one in the Form editor.  So what can you do with it besides writing your own web browser?

I wanted to load my own HTML page and call JavaScript functions within it and for the JavaScript to be able to call functions in C#.  Specifically, I wanted to be able to interact with a public JavaScript API from Google (Google Maps) from the application.

Most of this can be accomplished using a pure JavaScript implementation in a web page, but the user interface is limited as is access to local computer resources, such as files.  With a web server you can process uploaded files, but that requires server resources and a scalable infrastructure if you distribute your application.  It is easier and cheaper to do file processing on the client, which is even more important in a freely distributed application to eliminate extra cost.

I searched around online and it was difficult to find details on how to call JavaScript from a containing C# application.  It turns out to be really easy and worth sharing in case anyone else ever wants to do something similar.


Calling JavaScript from C# (See the next section for how to call C# from JavaScript).

So how can you call JavaScript functions in your WebBrowser control?  Call the InvokeScript method on the HtmlDocument.


namespace System.Windows.Forms
  public sealed class HtmlDocument
    public object InvokeScript(string scriptName);
    public object InvokeScript(string scriptName, object[] args);

For example, let’s assume that you have a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser object named webBrowser1 and you want to call a JavaScript function in the HTML page loaded in your WebBrowser called "showMe()"


function showMe()



Adding parameters gets a bit more complicated, but not much.  You can create an array of parameters as the API suggests and they will be passed in to the JavaScript function.  However, there is an even simpler way to do it.

We will start by calling the following function


function showMe(x,y) 

Let’s write a wrapper function in C# using the params keyword to let the compiler do the work for us.  It will automatically convert any extra parameters into an array of objects, just like InvokeScript is expecting.


private object MyInvokeScript(string name, params object[] args)
    return webBrowser1.Document.InvokeScript(name, args);

int x = 50;
int y = 100;

MyInvokeScript("showMe",x, y);

Note that the InvokeScript will return the value that the JavaScript function returns.  According to the documentation, if it is a native type such as a number or string, it will be returned as a string, but it can also return an object.


function createPoint(x, y)
    // Assume I have a Point object
    var p = new Point(x,y);
    return p;

function setPoint (p)
    // Do something useful with the Point p.


object o = MyInvokeScript("createPoint", 50, 100);

It is possible to query information about the object using GetType and InvokeMember but I like that the object can be passed back into JavaScript


MyInvokeScript("setPoint", o);

This is very powerful and, combined with the ability to call from JavaScript into C#, can allow you to embed many web applications that provide a JavaScript API into your C# application.

Calling C# from JavaScript

Simply put, you can expose a C# object to the WebBrowser that the JavaScript can call directly  The WebBrowser class exposes a property called ObjectForScripting that can be set by your application and becomes the window.external object within JavaScript.  The object must have the ComVisibleAttribute set true


public class ScriptInterface
    void callMe()
        … // Do something interesting

webBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = new ScriptInterface();





What next?

With the ability to call JavaScript from C# and C# from JavaScript you can now embed and extend web applications into native applications with ease.  A native application gives you more control over the environment and access to computer resources that you cannot access from a web page.  You can merge, or "mashup", web applications with computer hardware or software in new and interesting ways.

Imagine accessing a GPS connected to your computer and view your current location in an embedded map powered by Google Maps.  What if that included turn by turn directions to your destination?  Why not go even further and convert the directions into speech?  Doing all this on the client saves costs and pushes processing from expensive server hardware to client hardware and opens up interesting mashups to average users who do not have the resources to support their interesting idea for thousands of users.

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