Calling JavaScript in a WebBrowser control from C# 29

Embedding a WebBrowser control in a C# application is very easy to do.  Simply drag and drop one in the Form editor.  So what can you do with it besides writing your own web browser? I wanted to load my own HTML page and call JavaScript functions within it and […]

Geotagger pre-Alpha

Geotagger pre-Alpha is released. I’ve been working on this little tool for geotagging photographs on my long commute. It is an open source C# application that uses Google Maps to geotag JPEG files from GPX GPS data. It was built partly as an exercise in using C#, but mostly […]

Microsoft Pro Photo Tools 2

Microsoft has beat me to it. Just when I started to spend some more time on my open source GeoTagging tool, Microsoft releases their free GeoTagging tool called Microsoft Pro Photo Tools. I think they were concerned about the competition and wanted to get their tool out before mine 😉 […]

Blogger Title Fix 2.0

While attempting an upgrade to WordPress 2.5 I discovered that the blogger-title-fix plugin wasn’t working anymore. I have fixed it and a few other bugs and published a new version.

BC Ferries Conditions 2

I’ve created the BC Ferries Current Conditions Google Gadget that displays the current conditions at the major BC Ferries terminals. It is similar to the Border Wait Times gadget.

GPX Viewer is now hosted by Google Code

I have put the GPX Viewer script (loadgpx.js and some samples) project on Google Code here The primary reason is to add version tracking to the script code. Now the complete history of the script can be viewed as well as any bug fixes. Google Code uses a SVN […]

Cool CSS Image Border Style 46

I was recently playing around with my family photo blog, trying to give the photos a bit more pizzazz. I found some interesting tutorials for making CSS borders here at and a very nice looking drop shadow like this one from The problem is that they either require […]

Portrait Pumpkin Carving 10

UPDATE October 2019: I have created a web application that can be used to generate a portrait pattern using a process similar to that described below. Portrait Pumpkin Application This is the step by step process that I use to create portrait pumpkins of my family each year. Getting Started […]

Picasa 2.5 Geotagging update 2

So I played around with the Google Earth integration in Picasa and it is neat. It is very useful if you don’t have a GPS or GPS data for your photos, but it does not automatically correlate the photos with any sort of GPS information. The best I could do […]

Picasa 2.5 does Geotagging

Picasa 2.5 has recently been released with a few new features. I like the new screen saver that just cycles through your photos (I like the option to view all starred photos). I dislike the prominent placement of the “Save Changes” button that backs up your originals and replaces them […]